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What is Datadog?

Boost your Observability in the cloud with Datadog

Datadog is a SaaS-based monitoring solution for cloud or cloud-hosted applications that stands out for its ease and speed of deployment.

Increasingly, IT administrators and DevOps teams are using Datadog to monitor infrastructure and get the most out of their business with this observability platform.

Datadog enables monitoring of cloud infrastructure, Windows and Linux hosts, system processes, serverless functions, and cloud-based applications. It can be used to visualize data, explore metrics, manage logs, and perform various tasks.

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What do we do at ToBeIT as Datadog Partners?

What do we offer as certified Datadog specialists?

We are a technology consultancy specialized in improving the operation, quality and security of Information Technology (IT), with offices in Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona, where we provide services to companies of various sizes. Our commitment is to optimize operational efficiency, guarantee the quality of the systems and strengthen security in our clients’ technological operations.

As Datadog Partners we offer a series of crucial benefits for companies seeking to optimize their infrastructure and applications in cloud environments.

Thanks to Datadog you can proactively monitor and detect problems, allowing for a faster and more efficient response to operational challenges. In addition, by having certified Datadog Partners you will be able to benefit from the platform’s data visualization and analysis, which helps you make decisions based on solid information.

Datadog also provides a centralized platform for monitoring a wide variety of services and resources, simplifying the management of complex systems. Datadog helps improve the availability, performance and reliability of applications and services, resulting in a better user experience and greater business success.

Contact ToBeIT, Datadog Partners and optimize your business results!

Main features of Datadog

  • Alert and Notification Management: Datadog makes it easy to create, edit, and manage alerts and notifications across your IT infrastructure, keeping your team informed of any anomalies or important events.
  • Application Performance Monitoring (APM): With the ability to use Application Performance Monitoring (APM), Datadog allows you to reduce latency and eliminate errors in applications, ensuring an optimal user experience.
  • Performance testing in production environments: Datadog allows you to perform performance tests in production environments to evaluate the behavior and efficiency of applications in real-world situations.
  • Versatile Integration: Setting up multiple integrations is easy with Datadog, allowing you to collect metrics, traces, and logs from various sources and efficiently send them to the platform.
  • Threat and misconfiguration detection: Datadog offers the ability to detect threats and misconfigurations in applications and infrastructure environments, critical to maintaining security and optimal functioning of systems.
  • Compatibility with different technologies: Datadog supports a wide range of technologies, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift and Pivotal Platform, providing flexibility to monitor resources in different environments and services .

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Contact our specialists to assess your project.
Request information or, if you prefer, call us at 937 377 773 / 910 604 006.

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