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ServiceDesk Plus

ServiceDesk Plus, the Help Desk tool to enhance your company's technical assistance and asset management.

How can we help you?

Vector Herramientas Help Desk
  • Workflow based on ITSM best practices
  • Smart automation
  • Powerful integrations with apps for IT administration
  • Code-free customizations
  • Ability to generate reports and reports.

At ToBeIT, as specialists in Help Desk tools, we help implement ServiceDesk Plus in companies to facilitate support tasks and offer better assistance to customers during incident resolution.

Vector Herramientas Help Desk

As experts in Help Desk tools…

At ToBeIT, experts in providing technology solutions to companies, we help you understand what ServiceDesk Plus Help Desk tools are and what benefits it offers companies.

What features does ServiceDesk Plus offer?

ManageEngine's ServiceDesk Plus is one of the most used Help Desk tools by companies thanks to its multiple functionalities and its simple interface. It is based on ITIL best practices and is a modular and scalable Help Desk tool that enables integrated support processes with automatic inventory and asset management.

Some of the main features offered by the ServiceDesk Plus Help Desk tool are:

  • Management of incidents. It allows categorizing, diagnosing and prioritizing incidents to guarantee the correct development of the service, generating the minimum impact on the activity.
  • Problem management. Analyze problems from the root, reducing the repetition of incidents to increase the productivity of Help Desk tools.
  • Change management. Using the Change Module of ServiceDesk Plus, the implementation of automated workflows is simplified.
  • Service catalog. In addition to presenting services to users, it allows you to define custom automation processes associated with each service.
  • Projects management. It helps organize projects by allowing you to manage resources and track progress.
  • Asset Management. It allows centralizing in one place the use of software assets, hardware, non-computer assets and virtual assets, avoiding vulnerabilities.
  • Live chat. Facilitates communication between users and technicians through real-time chat.
  • Integration. It allows native integrations to get the most out of the Help Desk tool.
  • Reports and dashboards. Reporting and dashboarding modules offer greater control of metrics.

What are Help Desk tools like ServiceDesk Plus?

Help Desk tools are software used in technical support departments to resolve user incidents. Also known as a help center or service center, these tools allow you to centralize all customer requests to achieve their resolution on a single platform, being able to categorize and prioritize incidents according to the importance.

Through the registration of tickets or ticketing, all the information of said incidents is collected, allowing the support team to obtain all the data and consult the status of the requests, managing it in a joint and unified way.

In this way, Help Desk tools allow resources and internal operations to be optimized, in addition to improving the quality of customer service.

What benefits do ServiceDesk Plus Help Desk tools offer?

The implementation of Help Desk tools such as ServiceDesk Plus offer multiple benefits to user assistance departments in companies:

  • Offers great visibility and control
  • Incident process – response – most effective solution
  • Allows monitoring and analysis of cases
  • Cost savings
  • Improved user satisfaction
  • Allows you to automate workflow tasks
  • Reduces errors and incidents

At ToBeIT, as experts in Help Desk tools, we help implement ManageEngine’s ServiceDesk Plus to optimize your company’s technical assistance center and offer better service to users.


Contact our specialists to assess your project.
Request information or, if you prefer, call us at 937 377 773 / 910 604 006.

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