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Elastic Security: Unified Protection

¿How can we help you?

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of cyberattacks on businesses and corporations. Regardless of the size or sector of these companies, these attacks pose a significant threat to their assets as they can lead to the theft of data or confidential information. Therefore, having protection systems has become a fundamental aspect.


What is Elastic Security?

The storage of data in the cloud, the need to connect remotely as a consequence of teleworking or the mobility of companies, have resulted in greater vulnerability of systems to potential attacks. This, coupled with the increase and emergence of new threats (data theft, identity theft, phishing, etc.), drives the need for implementing security solutions that guarantee optimal protection of resources and facilitate proper digitalization.

However, it is necessary to obtain a unified view of the entire system to easily and effectively control and detect any potential threat. Elastic Security is the security solution offered by Elastic to prevent, detect, and respond to potential threats by obtaining a unified view of the entire structure.

  • Prevention against malware, ransomware, and phishing.
  • Detection and prioritization of threats at scale thanks to detection rules.
  • Response to threats with efficient workflows, integrated case management, and a universe of integrations.

Elastic Security is a security tool based on Elasticsearch that allows for threat searching through the integration of two components: Endpoint Security and SIEM.

What is Elastic SIEM?

Elastic SIEM is an application that provides visibility, threat searching, automated detection, and workflows for security operations centers (SOC). Like Elasticsearch, Elastic SIEM offers great speed and scalability to drive security operations and threat searching by offering:

  • An overview of the state of the security operations center (SOC).

  • Dashboards for threat identification.

  • A detection engine to perform detections automatically.

What is Elastic Endpoint Security?

Elastic Endpoint Security is an agent responsible for stopping malware and ransomware threats, enabling a visualization of the entire environment for advanced detection against potential threats. Endpoint Security is the only protection product that fully combines prevention, detection, and response in a single autonomous agent.


At ToBeIT, as experts in Elasticsearch solutions, we help you implement Elastic Security tools to ensure proper protection of all your company’s systems.


Contact our specialists to assess your project.
Request information or, if you prefer, call us at 937 377 773 / 910 604 006.

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